Pre- & Post- Conference Workshops and Tours

Pre-Conference Workshop, August 2 (optional):

On Tuesday, August 2nd the conference will kick-off with an  AAM 101 workshop hosted by the Community Air Mobility Initiative (link is external)(CAMI). More details on the session can be found here: is external)

CAMI’s AAM 101 is a half day workshop specifically designed to provide state and local decision-makers and agency staff as well as urban and transportation planners with a solid introduction to advanced air mobility. Through a series of expert presentations, paired with ample time for questions and discussions, participants will receive key information as they begin to consider integrating advanced air mobility into their communities’ transportation landscape.
Registration fees are $75/pp for Government and $100/pp for General. Click here to register(link is external)

Post-Conference Tours, August 5 (optional):

Optional post-conference tours will be available to registered conference participants. Below is the description of the tours being offered. Once we get closer to the event day, you will receive a link to a form requesting your preference of tours. Please note that you may only participate in one tour. These will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. Space is limited so please register and confirm your participation early. 

All tours will be ADA accessible. Some require more extensive walking than others. Conference attendees planning on participating in tours are advised to book flights departing SFO after 1PM. 

Tour descriptions:

Tour Name:

Group Size:


SFO Sustainability Walk


Join a walking tour highlighting how SFO is leading the airport industry in sustainability initiatives! Members of SFO’s sustainability team will showcase how the Airport is transforming air travel to achieve its ambitious “triple-zero” goal of zero waste going into landfill, zero net energy buildings, and carbon neutral operations.

Tour Name:

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Aviation Museum and Library Tour


Take a behind-the-scenes tour of SFO’s Aviation Museum & Library to learn how SFO Museum is keeping the rich history of aviation alive for future generations. The facility, which is an architectural adaptation of the SFO’s 1930s passenger lobby, features rotating exhibits of aviation memorabilia, and houses a library of over 8,000 aviation-themed books.

Tour Name:

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SFO Airfield Tour


Board a bus for a behind-the-scenes look at how SFO keeps one of the largest airports in the U.S. running safely and efficiently. Get an up-close look at commercial aircraft takeoffs and landing, airfield operations and maintenance, and some of the newest precision technologies being used at SFO.

Tour Name:

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Airport Land Use and Multimodal Integration Walking Tour


It’s often said that the future is arriving now and no where is that more evident than in the realm of aviation and especially advanced air mobility.  A common element to the emerging technologies discussed during this conference are the points of connection between activities in the air and the land below. The impacts of these activities as these connections generate many questions. On this tour we will travel from the mystical world of SFO via BART to the intermodal Center of the Millbrae Station.  From the upper platform of the station we will view and discuss the land use challenges of the surrounding area.  Where do we site vertiports?  How do we provide widespread and equitable access to advanced air mobility?  How do we avoid burdensome exposure to aircraft light and sound.  Currently in the station vicinity, there are proposals and active projects that range from bio-tech centers to housing and commercial developments.  After an overview from the station platform, we will walk through the surrounding neighborhoods.  We will see historic structures, sites in transition and potential sites for change.  All locations will be ADA accessible and the total travel distance movement will be no more than 3 miles from the Millbrae platform.

Tour Name:

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Behind the Scenes with United Airlines


In this tour, participants will get a behind-the-scenes look at United Airlines' SFO operations and sustainability efforts including the airport, ramp, technical operations hangar, and other key stops.