Do you need help understanding how SB 743 will impact transportation planning or want to make sure your agency complies with the new standards? We can help with our newest course, CEQA Transportation Impact Analysis under SB-743: Resources, Methods, & Tools (PL-52)
Held over two days, this eight hour online training course is designed to aid transportation professionals in understanding SB 743 implementation and the fundamental changes in current transportation impact analysis practices.
CEQA Transportation Impact Analysis under SB-743: Resources, Methods, & Tools (PL-52) (NEW)
March 5-7, 2018 :: Online, 2 Sessions
$145 Public Agency Fee, $290 Standard Fee
Instructors: Chris Ganson and Jeannie Lee
You may also be interested in this companion course focused on VMT estimation and forecasting:
VMT Metrics Application & Analysis for SB 743 Compliance (TE-53)
May 22, 2018 :: San Diego
$245 Public Agency Fee, $490 Standard Fee
Instructor: Ronald Milam