TechTransfer is happy to announce, we are making plans to offer some in-person, open enrollment classes beginning in Fall 2021. We will be scheduling a few of our most in demand and requested classes, starting with those that were cancelled last year at the start of the pandemic. Find all currently scheduled classes here and watch for updates in the weeks ahead.
We will also continue to offer hosted in-person classes, such as work zone safety training and other courses on request at your location. If you'd like to request a hosted course, please contact us by email.
For all in-person classes, we will meet or exceed recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Department of Public Health, and guidance from the University of California, Berkeley regarding events, as well as any local health department directives from the jurisdiction in which the class is located.
At this time, that means that in our classrooms physical distancing among class participants is not required. We will be providing and encouraging use of hand sanitizer and discouraging hand shakes. Regardless of less strict guidance and out of an abundance of caution, we will continue to require all students and instructors to wear masks indoors, with these exceptions: (1) the instructor, while teaching and greater than 6' from others, and (2) anyone, while eating or drinking. We'll ask all students to agree to mask wearing when they register for in-person classes. If you do not agree to wearing a mask indoors for the duration of the class, please do not register for any in-person classes at this time.