Dr. Pavan Yedavalli is head of product intelligence and systems simulation at Wisk Aero, where he leads the team developing large-scale simulation software and modeling tools to understand deployments, go-to-market strategies, and operational constraints. He completed the Ph.D in urban computing from University of California, Berkeley, with dissertation research focusing on simulation software to understand the impacts of urban air mobility on metropolitan environments. He also has received an M.S. in electrical engineering from Columbia University, and B.S. in electrical engineering and computer sciences from University of California, Berkeley. He has published in highly-respected journals, including IEEE, AIAA, TRR, TRB, and Transportmetrica, as well as authored several white papers for the UAM industry. Dr. Yedavalli has extensive industry experience in beamformed wireless systems, wireless power for UAVs, and urban air mobility.
Job title:
Head of Product Intelligence and Systems Simulation
Wisk Aero