Pavement networks are often the most valuable asset that an agency owns. This asset is not only expensive to replace, but it is an essential component to the traveling public's safety. Agencies are looking for more cost-effective ways to perform engineering, maintenance, management, and rehabilitation of roadways more than ever before to stretch funding allocations. A pavement management system is an essential tool to assist in cost-effective roadway maintenance planning.
Click here for a detailed outline.
Topics Include
- Pavement management principles
- Street inventory development
- Pavement condition surveys
- Pavement distresses
- Structural capacity
- Roughness
- Pavement condition indices
- Quality management
- Types of maintenance treatments
- Preservation policies
- Preventive maintenance
- Rehabilitation
- Reconstruction
- Performance prediction models
- Funding scenarios
- Developing a work plan using appropriate prioritization techniques
- Data to use in communicating with elected officials
- Types of PMS software
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for engineers or maintenance superintendents responsible for:
- Collecting data and updating a pavement management system
- Determining the types of repairs for streets
- Preparing cost-effective multi-year work plans e.g. resurfacing, seal programs etc
- Planning how much funding is required for the future
- Making presentations on funding street repairs to elected officals
- Types of PMS software
Students should bring a calculator and pencil for in class problems