
For Pavement Courses

Asphalt Pavement Materials, Design, Construction and Maintenance (IDM-03)


This three-day course is aimed at covering the full range of topics related to asphalt concrete pavements from materials and mix design to construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation. Asphalt concrete pavements are a vital part of an agency's assets and constitute about 90% of the local streets in California. The numerous topics in this class will be presented in sufficient detail to assist the local agency engineer when dealing with contractors, consultants, and specifications. It is expected that the information presented will be very useful to those that design, specify,...

In-Place Asphalt Recycling & Stabilization Strategies (IDM-26)


This is a completely-updated and revamped course on in-place asphalt recycling, which will explore in more detail the most common recycling methods, while providing an insightful look on selecting the most appropriate method and stabilization strategy based on a project's and site's specific characteristics. The soil stabilization portion of the course will expand on Caltrans Highway Design Manual Chapter 614 by providing guidelines on the selection of an appropriate stabilization method, design of stabilized subgrade, and construction considerations. This is...

Fundamentals of Inspection Practice (PD-01)


Inspectors are key members of the construction project team. Inspectors ensure that public agencies produce quality projects and help reduce potential liability caused by poor engineering performance. The administrative and technical responsibilities of the inspector continue throughout project delivery and are critical for effectively maintaining a project's compliance with contract requirements. This course provides an introduction to all of the basic skills needed by the field inspector for most traditional highway construction projects.


Introduction to Pavement Engineering and Management (IDM-31)


This is the introductory course for the ITS Tech Transfer/CCPIC program of professional training in pavement engineering and management. The class provides an introduction to the different functional requirements of pavement for different purposes, including streets, roads, highways, and bicycle/pedestrian paths, and different types of pavement that can meet those functional requirements. The class provides a basic understanding of how pavement materials, structural design, construction, and asset management interact to affect pavement performance for each pavement type....

Pavement Management Systems and Preservation Strategies (IDM-28)


Pavement networks are often the most valuable asset that an agency owns. This asset is not only expensive to replace, but it is an essential component to the traveling public's safety. Agencies are looking for more cost-effective ways to perform engineering, maintenance, management, and rehabilitation of roadways more than ever before to stretch funding allocations. A pavement management system is an essential tool to assist in cost-effective roadway maintenance planning.


Superpave Mix Design for Local Agencies (IDM-27)


The SUPERPAVE mix design method is designed to replace the Hveem method. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) started implementing the national SUPERPAVE standard for designing, specifying, and accepting pavement projects for all state jobs. The new mix design accounts for traffic loading and environmental conditions and includes a new method of evaluating the asphalt mixture. This course provides an overview of the SUPERPAVE mix design for local agencies and adjustments needed to start transitioning to the new mix design.


Asphalt Pavement Maintenance & Rehabilitation (IDM-04)


Asphalt pavement is a major component of our transportation system. Transportation agencies at the city and county level can maximize the value of their huge investment in streets and roads by using proper pavement maintenance strategies. This course provides a solid working knowledge of the most common pavement maintenance and preservation practices. Basic principles, best field practices and safety issues are covered. This course is based on Day 3 of the ...