The SUPERPAVE mix design method is designed to replace the Hveem method. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) started implementing the national SUPERPAVE standard for designing, specifying, and accepting pavement projects for all state jobs. The new mix design accounts for traffic loading and environmental conditions and includes a new method of evaluating the asphalt mixture. This course provides an overview of the SUPERPAVE mix design for local agencies and adjustments needed to start transitioning to the new mix design.
Click here for a detailed outline
Topics Include
- Volumetrics of hot mix asphalt mixtures
- Superpave mixture requirements
- Superpave mix design process
- Superpave performance-related testing requirements
Who Should Attend
Who should attend: This course is designed for engineers, state local agencies, consultants, contractors, maintenance supervisors, and quality control/assurance supervisors responsible for designing asphalt mixtures, material specifications, and quality control/quality assurance management of asphalt mixtures.